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The Most Requested Car Models in Gulf Countries

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have a strong demand for luxury and high-performance cars. With the rise in disposable income and a growing population, the automotive market in the GCC has been expanding rapidly in recent years. In this article, we will take a closer look at the most requested car models in the Gulf countries and explore the factors that drive their popularity.

Factors Driving Demand for Luxury Cars in the GCC

There are several factors that contribute to the high demand for luxury cars in the GCC. One of the main drivers is the strong economic growth in the region, which has led to an increase in disposable income. Additionally, the GCC countries have a young population with a strong desire for status symbols, which has led to a growing market for luxury cars. Furthermore, the lack of taxes on luxury goods in the GCC has also made high-end cars more affordable for consumers.

The Most Requested Car Models in the GCC

  1. Mercedes-Benz S-Class: The Mercedes-Benz S-Class is one of the most popular luxury cars in the GCC and is often considered the flagship model of the Mercedes-Benz brand. It is known for its exceptional comfort, advanced technology, and powerful engines, making it a top choice among affluent buyers in the region.
  2. BMW 7 Series: The BMW 7 Series is another popular luxury car in the GCC and is known for its sleek design, advanced technology, and powerful engines. It is a popular choice among business executives and VIPs in the region.
  3. Porsche 911: The Porsche 911 is a high-performance sports car that is highly sought after in the GCC. It is known for its exceptional handling and powerful engines, making it a top choice among car enthusiasts in the region.
  4. Lamborghini Aventador: The Lamborghini Aventador is a luxury sports car that is highly coveted in the GCC. It is known for its aggressive design, powerful engines, and exceptional performance, making it a top choice among car enthusiasts in the region.
  5. Rolls-Royce Phantom: The Rolls-Royce Phantom is a luxury car that is highly sought after in the GCC. It is known for its exceptional comfort, advanced technology, and powerful engines, making it a top choice among affluent buyers in the region.


The GCC countries have a strong demand for luxury and high-performance cars, driven by factors such as strong economic growth, a young population with a desire for status symbols, and the lack of taxes on luxury goods. The most requested car models in the GCC include the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series, Porsche 911, Lamborghini Aventador, and Rolls-Royce Phantom. These cars are known for their exceptional design, technology, and performance, making them a top choice among affluent buyers in the region. 
